Chrissy Orson

About Me

Learn more about Me
Physcotherapist, Coach & Consultant

About Me

I have been working in and around mental health for over 15 years (wow, how did that happen?!)  I’ve had many roles: from working in the NHS as a psychiatric nursing assistant, to providing one-to-one therapy and group work in the charitable sector, prison service and schools. I also spent 5 years working for a local authority supporting the education sector to embed whole setting approaches to mental health. (As you can probably imagine staff wellbeing was a huge part of this!) This has given me a huge variety of experience across different sectors, including what effective mental health and wellbeing support can look like, at both and individual and organisational level.

Like many, I came to train as a therapist after accessing therapy for myself and experiencing the profound impact that it can have.  I continue to advocate the need for better mental health support for all ages, particularly young people where funding is scarce.  For this reason, I work with a national organisation who support schools and community organisations to become more mental health aware with all children and young people.  I also deliver Mental Health First Aid and Youth Mental Health First Aid to provide organisations with the resources to offer initial support and signposting to those experiencing mental health issues, as well as promoting an open culture and reduced stigma.

"I absolutely love supporting people to better understand themselves"

When I’m not living and breathing all things mental health and wellness, I am a total coffee snob and love nothing more than a flat white in a real coffee shop with a good book.  I also enjoy spending time in the outdoors, especially a walk with my springer spaniel Jenson. 

I work with therapy clients from the age of around 11; my oldest client to date was 82 years young.  I absolutely love supporting people to better understand themselves and what makes them tick, to develop new ways of relating to others or better coping strategies, and to move towards their goals.  I have supported with many issues in therapy, but I have a particular interest in working with trauma and relationship issues, including domestic abuse.  We know that trauma can have a profound and lasting impact on the lives of those who experience it, so for me it’s vital that individuals are able to access support with someone they trust, at a time that works for them, in a safe space – whether that’s online, in my therapy room or even walking and talking.

Because for much of my career I’ve worked with people for a longer period than you’d get within funded services, I often reach the point with clients that they’re starting to move forward with aspects of their lives, into new and exciting opportunities.  This was what drew me to coaching.  With coaching, and through using NLP techniques (that’s neuro-linguistic programming if you’ve not heard of it before), I’ve worked with a variety of individuals including clients going through transitions in their personal life, people working through redundancy, education staff and those moving into executive roles.  The power of coaching is just immense, and I can’t wait to share it with more people!  I think it can be such a powerful way of focussing us on solutions and new ways of working and it’s proving really beneficial for those who need support with this aspect of their journey.

Chrissy Orson sits in a cafe smiling
Chrissy Orson speaking to Clients.

We're not Robots

Whilst I continue to work with one-to-one clients via both coaching and therapy (see more details of how I can support individuals with coaching or therapy), I remain mindful of the impact of individual mental health at an organisational level, and also the organisation on individuals! Let’s face it, we’re not robots and we take our work home and our home to work. For wellbeing to be at its best – we need a more holistic approach. That’s where I come in!

Rather than the mental health of individuals in an organisation being only the responsibility of HR, or reluctant managers who haven’t the time, knowledge, or let’s face it – sometimes interest. I work with organisations to empower individuals, and also provide support, advice and a critical friend for you to consider your wellbeing strategy. 

A vital aspect of my work, whether it be with individuals or organisations, is to consider the concept of psychological safety. We all know what it’s like to feel uncertain, anxious or downright scared in a situation, and I’m sure you can agree – nobody is doing their best thinking, problem-solving or effective work there! To feel safe, valued and trusted is absolutely vital for us to be at our best. I provide that space for my clients, or support organisations to develop it for their employees. I can support you to use knowledge from psychology, therapy and coaching to consider your wellbeing offer. That way, we can build a culture of psychological safety for all.  Never heard of psychological safety? Check out this page.

Something I really value in my business is authenticity and openness.  So if you’re interested in having an honest conversation about what’s going on for you and your organisation, and how we can make a tangible difference to the wellbeing of your employees then get in touch.  I love supporting organisations to make meaningful change over time to their culture, policies and procedures.  It’s not the sexy approach to employee wellbeing but it’s what has the largest impact on the wellbeing of your workforce (and let’s face it – your bottom line too!).

Protected Time & Space

I have seen first-hand the impact of secondary trauma and compassion fatigue. Whether you’re a HR advisor managing the complex mental health challenges of an employee, or are a school safeguarding lead hearing about risk, abuse and neglect on a daily basis: reflective supervision can support. I provide a protected time and space where the impact of your role upon you as a person is recognised. Where you can put down the burden, reflect on your practice and ensure that you’re providing the best results, whilst still protecting your own wellbeing.

By providing support across levels, I can support you to:

Want to know more? Get in touch, let me know what challenges you’re facing at the moment and see if we’re a good fit.

I hold an enhanced DBS check and as an accredited member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy, I am bound by their ethical framework along with that of the International Coaching Federation for my coaching practice.

I also hold the relevant insurance to practice.



I continue to access regular CPD relevant to my practice.

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