Consultancy for Organisations
Consultancy for Organisations
Maybe as an organisation you feel that your staff just aren’t showing up at their best. Engagement may be lower, both in person or in online spaces, productivity may have dropped, or sickness and retention may be an issue. It could be that your HR team seem to be embroiled in low-level disagreements or you get the sense that your team is just not as resilient as they were pre-pandemic.
Whatever the symptoms you’re seeing, it’s likely that your employees are struggling with their wellbeing.
You want to understand what is going on for your employees, whether that’s challenges in the workplace or issues at home. You know that only by understanding can you effectively improve your employees’ wellbeing and support them to be at their best in the workplace.

Through my consultancy work, I will guide you through my unique proprietary AIDS-E mechanism to examine your employee wellbeing through the lens of psychological safety.
A – Appraisal
I – Investigation
D – Diagnosis
S – Support
E – Evaluation
Creating a Shared Vision
I will work with your leaders to clarify their sense of the issues and create a shared vision before undertaking a piece of work to understand what it is truly like for your employees across the organisation, from the ground up. This will include an element of self-assessment, data gathering and policy review, as well as direct engagement with individuals and groups.
We cannot fix what isn’t known, and often employees tell us what they think we want to hear rather than their truth, so by creating meaningful and honest feedback loops, I will bring their experiences into your boardroom. I will then work alongside you to consider the impact of culture and employee experience on staff wellbeing and overall productivity, defining what actions need to be taken.
It’s particularly important that we’re thinking about psychological safety when we’re considering the impact of hybrid or online-first working, as we cannot rely on the traditional methods of building connection and shared purpose in our teams. I will support you to build and strengthen teams without needing to resort to ‘back into the office’ or micromanagement.

Empowered to Speak Up
Through my initial consultation, and throughout any follow up work agreed, my aim is to support you to create an environment where people feel empowered to speak up about their challenges and where they play an active role in identifying actions. When people can speak up as adults, voicing their needs and offering solutions, this has an enormous effect on organisational culture. It creates a different ethos than one where employees feel they are coming from a disempowered position where they cannot find solutions and require a lot of intensive and costly support from the organisation.
My role is to support your organisation to identify effective, sustainable, strategic change which has a real impact on your culture, and the wellbeing of all staff. In short, my goal is for you to not need me anymore!
All consultation work is bespoke, allowing me to consider the individual nature and context of your organisation. I usually expect to work with an organisation for a minimum of 3 months to enable the creation of trust with employees so that their feedback and input is meaningful and actionable, rather than a quick fix without lasting impact.
If you’d like to know more about how I could work with your organisation, please get in touch